Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

This afternoon we went down to Colorado Springs to celebrate Grandpa's birthday. Ellis enjoyed chatting to and being held by all the various family members. Blanden had a blast playing with his cousins, Jeremy and Gretchen, and especially enjoyed playing football outside with all the boys -- and there are a lot of boys!: Daddy, Uncle Jim, Uncle Nick, Grandpa, Jeremy, and Blanden were all in on the action. Even little Ellis was laughing and getting excited just watching them -- I think he can barely wait until next year when he can join in. We had shish kabobs on the grill and Grandma made a delicious homemade chocolate cake with white icing.

Singing "Happy Birthday."

Blowing out the candles.

Happy birthday, Grandpa! We're so glad we were able to celebrate with you today!

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