Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ellis in the Exersaucer

After hearing that Ellis experienced the Exersaucer at daycare for a few minutes and liked it, we remembered that we had one of those and pulled it out here at home.

Big Brother Blanden was very interested in this new contraption, anxious to try out all the bells and whistles, literally, and show Ellis the ropes.

(I'm sure you notice that Blanden is pantsless in these photos. Again, what can we say? Sometimes it's the shirt, sometimes it's the pants. But we don't let him leave the house like that!)

Ellis says, "Thanks Big Brother, but I can do it all by myself! I'm getting the hang of it. And I like being upright!"

After much curiosity, Blanden couldn't resist trying it out, "just once." (And then "another one time" after Daddy got home from work, to show him too.)

Blanden has always enjoyed helping to take care of Ellis, but now they are beginning to play together, independent of mine or Ed's intervention. While I was in the kitchen finishing dinner, this was their game tonight.

Blanden put their pumpkin baskets upside down on the Exersaucer ... (An aside: Because they were on a super sale post-Halloween and only 40 cents each, Blanden and Ellis now have Elmo and pumpkin baskets of their own, should they decide they prefer pumpkins for trick-or-treating next year.)

Then he would crouch down so that Ellis couldn't see him ...

Then pop up for the big surprise! Ellis was cracking up, and so was Blanden. I love it, and I can't wait to see -- or, more likely, hear -- what they cook up next.

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