Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ellis's Christening

Saturday evening we arrived safe and sound in Michigan. We were up early on Sunday morning to celebrate Ellis's christening at the 9:30 Mass. It was a beautiful ceremony. Daddy, who carried Blanden, Aunt Jill, Uncle Andrew, and Mommy, who carried Ellis, all walked in with the procession, and Mommy and Daddy carried the offertory up to the priest during the service. Ellis was baptized at St. Mary's, which is where his big brother, mommy, and great-grandfather Thomas Raymond were baptized, as well as where Grammy and Papa were married.

Afterward we had a party at Grammy and Papa's house with family and a few close friends, including Deacon Wesley Cousino, who is Papa's godfather and baptized Mommy when she was an infant. We felt blessed to be able to celebrate in person with one of Ellis's godparents, Aunt Jill, and the proxy godfather, Uncle Andrew, who stood in for Uncle Jim. We look forward to seeing the other half of our family upon our return to Denver.

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