Saturday, November 6, 2010


It was a big, happy week for Ellis. On Monday, he turned five months old already! On Wednesday, he rolled over for the first time from his back to his tummy. (He learned how to roll from his tummy to his back in Michigan a couple weeks ago.) At daycare, he began playing for just a few minutes at a time in an Exersaucer -- and really liked it. And today, he cut his first tooth! He often has his hands in his mouth and he has at last found his thumb to suck. (From the day he was born, I was pretty sure he was going to suck his thumb eventually.) And he is currently making raspberry noises in the background, thanks to his Daddy.

He's doing well and growing fast. They say he's always in a good mood at daycare. He wakes up smiling every time. He likes watching the other babies and he smiles at his caregivers when I drop him off each morning and when we say good-bye in the evening. He's our healthy, happy, smiley little guy.

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