Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Is Coming...

Christmas is coming, and we are all enjoying the preparations. Last night, we put Ellis to bed (we are still amazed that he sleeps, by himself, for several hours at a time in between feedings -- and seems happy about it!), and then the three of us curled up on the couch together to watch the downtown Denver holiday lights parade on television while sipping hot chocolate with snowman-shaped marshmallows. This was Blanden's first taste of hot chocolate, and he liked it. (I have a feeling Little Brother Ellis will get to try hot chocolate next Christmas, if Big Brother is drinking it too.)
Blanden watched the entire hour-long presentation, holding onto his giraffes and curled up beneath his giraffe quilt between the two of us. He really seemed to like the marching bands and kept asking for more. Ed and I can't remember the last time he sat still that long. It was such a treat to snuggle!
Yesterday evening after school, he opened a package that had arrived in the mail for him to discover more window clings. He is proud to show off his masterpiece, which he did all by himself (with Mommy's help to peel the clings off their backing).

We also began our Christmas countdown. Each day, Blanden opens the little door to find a mini ornament inside (and sometimes a little treat too) and puts it on the mini Christmas tree. He likes it, although sometimes it's hard to understand why we do only one each day.

This afternoon, we'll be putting up the big Christmas tree...

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