Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mommy and Me Day with E

Blanden is at school, and Ellis is with Mommy today. I thought that Ellis would probably prefer not to be carted around town on adventures, so we are staying home to snuggle and play. He had his six-month checkup this morning and he is doing great. He weighs 18 lbs., 2.3 oz., putting him in the 63rd percentile, and measures 2 ft., 3.75 in. long, putting him in the 89th percentile. Interestingly, he had been running about 2 lbs. bigger than his big brother, but at this stage Blanden only weighed about 10 oz. less, and was very close in height (93rd percentile).
We'll be starting solid foods soon. Our pediatrician said that new recommendations suggest infants begin with red meats first, even before cereal or very soon after -- a fairly radical concept -- in order to ensure adequate iron. Hmm, we're not sure how we feel about jarred meats, and although we made Blanden a fair amount of baby food we never made meat. So Ed and I are contemplating how we might go about pureeing our preferred free range Colorado bison and grass fed Colorado lamb...
The downside of this morning's visit is that it was time for a lot of vaccines. We hope Ellis's normally cheerful disposition remains and carries him throughout the day.

As mentioned in yesterday's post, the boys are officially roommates. We wanted to give the room a fresh new feel in order to make it special for both of them, so we swapped Blanden's curtains for those Grammy made especially for Ellis and swapped Blanden's blue-and-brown letters for Ellis's green-and-brown ones. We have a few new wall decorations in mind as well.

So far, they both seem to like it. Ellis seems to be settling down more quickly at night, knowing his brother is there and being able to see him, and the fact that Blanden settles down on his own at all is also a plus. :) Personally, I love having them both in one place, knowing they are safe and sound and snug together.

Now we're off to play!

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