Monday, December 6, 2010


Now that Blanden has tried hot chocolate, he is curious to try candy canes too. (He has been seeing pictures of both in some of his Christmas books.) I thought the perfect place to do so was at Hammond's Candies, a family-owned, handmade-candy company in Denver since 1920. I have seen signs and come across the candy at various places around town, but had never been to the factory and gift shop, located just north of downtown. Today seemed like a good day to check it out.

Here we are watching the workers mold an enormous piece of 50 to 60 lb. candy that will eventually be stretched and pulled into individual candy canes.

Here Blanden is taking his first taste of mint in the tasting room. I'm not sure what flavor this one was; we tried a couple. The jury is still out...
There's so much to choose from! Amazingly, we came home with not much more than what was on my original list: a special container of hot chocolate and handmade peppermint sticks to enjoy together on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. (In addition, we picked up a bag of green-and-red malt balls, the closest thing to M&Ms we could find, and his first Pez dispenser. Hammond's doesn't make Pez, of course, but they had Thomas dispensers right by the checkout counter, so how could we refuse?)
And, just for fun, and because they are so darn cute, here are the boys wearing coordinating outfits.

P.S. If Blanden's clothes look a little baggy on him, that is because he is now wearing size 3T, necessary solely for length in the legs and arms. We have to cinch them up around his belly to keep them on!


Cat said...

I LOVE the coordinating outfits! They are both so cute. Glad to hear you've been enjoying the Christmas preparations together so far. I hope we get to see you guys soon!

tara_iott said...

Are those Old Navy fleece lined jeans on Ellis? Liam has a pair from Old Navy that have red fleece just like that. We wore them along with the snowsuit bundler you got for him last weekend when we went to cut down our Christmas tree.