Monday, December 13, 2010

Sunny and 60

When I envisioned a December trip to the zoo, we were bundled up and sipping hot chocolate while seeing the holiday lights and Santa -- which we are planning on doing next week. Although if today is any indication, it is questionable as to how bundled up we will really need to be. I did not anticipate partly sunny, 60-plus degree weather, but there you have it. When I saw the forecast this weekend, I decided that although this is strange, we might as well enjoy it. So our good friends Miss Cat and Sabine met us for a morning at the zoo.

We haven't been in months and when I first told Blanden this morning that we were going, he said, "No. We can't go today." He has been talking about the zoo ever since we saw the dinosaur bones but no "giraffe bones" at the museum. I've been telling him it's too cold to go to the zoo so at first I don't think he believed me when I said, "Yes. We can go today."

Naturally, he was more interested in looking at the giraffes than the camera. Also, the polar bear shot above is just for effect, to prove that we were indeed at the zoo and not just the neighborhood park. Sabine and Blanden were much more interested in the geese and ducks, who were swimming and flapping and chatting and got a solid ten minutes or so of their attention, than they were in the polar bear, who wasn't doing much of anything exciting while sleeping on top of the rock and didn't receive much more than a passing oh-there's-a-bear-that's-nice glance.

Stopping for a quick pic in front of the mountain goats.

Pushing his little brother in the big stroller. :) I forget that sometimes it's a real treat to visit the zoo on days like this: It's not very crowded and many of the animals are in their indoor enclosures, which means we got to see them close up. All in all, a lovely day. And it sounds like tomorrow will be more of the same. We're meeting more friends at a park.

1 comment:

Cat said...

We had a GREAT time with you guys. We'll have to do it again, since it looks like this mild weather is going to be around for a while!