Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy Six Months!

Ellis is six months old today! I can't believe it. Where has the time gone? His personality just continues to blossom. He is happy, super smiley, content, and easygoing. He is very observant. He is quiet but always alert. He is social and funny. He likes to laugh and get all of us laugh. He enjoys interacting with the other babies in his daycare classroom -- and he is no longer always waiting for the interaction by the older infants but sometimes initiating it himself. He is particularly fond of starting teradactyl-like conversations with his buddies. He is growing well; he has a checkup tomorrow so we will just how well. And he is sleeping well -- lo and behold! He still wakes up a few times at night to nurse, but he prefers to put himself to sleep in his crib, with Mommy or Daddy nearby, rather than being rocked. He is greatly enjoying the company of his big brother; this past weekend, they became roommates. He is also getting ready for food. While I was holding him during dinner tonight, he kept reaching for and getting ahold of the placemat, my napkin, my plate, even a piece of bread and the spaghetti noodles. Rice cereal, here we come (this weekend).

Happy half birthday, my little love!

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