Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Swinging on the Playground

We're a little behind on blogging, but we've certainly been having fun. Back on December 14, when Denver was still experiencing its springlike streak, we met up with some friends at a playground. As I was pushing Blanden on the "big kid" swing -- he is getting more and more curious about them and will soon be ready to try pumping on his own -- it occurred to me that perhaps Ellis could swing too.

And sure enough, he liked it.

Big brother decided to rejoin him on the baby swings. Blanden was several months older than Ellis when he first tried to swing -- probably because we actually had a winter that year and just didn't get to the park as often -- but it took him a few tries to enjoy it.

But of course it makes sense that Ellis liked it immediately: He spent his first three months (and a good portion of months four and five too) in his beloved swing in the house. In fact, he is probably wondering whatever happened to that...

We're still working on the sitting-up-straight part, but I think he's getting the hang of it.

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