Monday, December 27, 2010

Zoo Lights 2010: Desserts with Santa

Per the new Wensuc family Christmas tradition, last week we took our second annual visit to the zoo for desserts with Santa and to see the lights. We've been reading lots of Christmas books in preparation for Santa. Blanden likes Mercer Mayer's Little Critter. In Merry Christmas, Mom and Dad, Little Critter sits on Santa's lap. Every time we got to that page, Blanden stated firmly, "No. I am not going to do that."
And he stayed true to his word. He wasn't too keen on being held by Mrs. Claus either. Ellis didn't seem to mind the man in the big red suit, although he doesn't look too comfortable there ...

Clearly, for Blanden the highlight was not Santa, but ...


He decorated several giant gingerbread men: one for Mommy, one for Daddy, one for Blanden, and even one for Ellis.

Naturally, Blanden sampled them all.

Ellis admired the cookies from afar,

but thanked his brother for being so thoughtful. Next year, little one. Next year.

After we listened to Santa recite The Night Before Christmas and we sang songs like "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and the "Ho-Ho Pokey" we headed out.

The carousel is always a favorite. A couple weeks ago, when we visited the zoo during the day, we weren't able to ride it as I was there alone with Blanden and Ellis and Ellis is too little for the carousel. Blanden had been waiting patiently for this night to arrive as I promised him he could ride it then.

And then it was on to the lights.

The giraffes were sleeping this year, but we did get to see the elephants -- the lighted ones and the real ones.

At the end of the night, Blanden selected a Christmas gift from him for Ellis in the gift shop. After examining several stuffed animals, he chose a lion. He did very well with this first gift-giving experience ... until we went to pay, at which time he said, "But Blanden wants a gift too." Not to fear, sweet son: As Blanden discovered on Christmas Day, Ellis snuck into the gift shop as well, and selected (but of course) a new giraffe for his big brother's growing family.

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