Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Closed for the Season

Last September when I began school, I was hopeful that the boys would still get to go to their Monday night music class. For the first quarter I had class on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights, so that worked out well. When January came and I had a conflicting night class, we rearranged the daycare schedule and switched to Wednesday morning music -- perfect. Or so I thought. I hadn't considered that although parking in downtown Denver in this particular lot was free on Monday nights, it cost $8 -- yes, $8! -- on Wednesday morning! I wrote about this as an example of what not to do in a paper for my Applied Critical Thinking class. However, if one is willing to get there a bit early (which we were) and walk just a little ways (no problem), meter parking could be found for just $2 -- whew! And it turns out, some of our dear friends ended up enrolling as well.

So after all of that, here we are nine months later and Musikgarten has closed for the summer break. I am happy to report that Blanden loves it as much as ever -- his teachers tell me that he often breaks out into song in school. And Ellis is now bouncing to the beat and clapping his hands whenever he hears music being played so I think it's safe to say he enjoys it too.

Ellis waiting for the final class to begin.

Ellis loves to play peek-a-boo with the scarves.

I tried and tried to get a picture of him in the act, with the scarf over his head, but inevitably I kept snapping the shutter in the moment he brought his hands down. We needed Daddy today and his super-snappy photography skills.

Blanden loves dancing with the scarf.

That's our darling friend in the foreground -- and quite a mix in the background. Since today was the last class, we had a combined session: babies, toddlers, and preschoolers all in one!

Ellis is showing off his certificate...

Mommy took a picture -- quickly! Before he crumpled it up or put it in his mouth.

Both boys were much more interested in the bubbles they got as gifts.

Congratulations to Blanden on his third year of music and to Ellis for his first! Who knows what next September will bring, but we certainly hope to go back.

1 comment:

Cat said...

Aw, you got some good pictures amidst all the chaos! We had a great time with you guys!