Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy Belated Easter!

Well, as you  can tell, we're running a week late in getting these posted. We didn't take too many pictures on Easter, but we had a great time. After spending the morning at home together, opening Easter baskets, hunting for eggs, and eating a huge handful of Kit-Kats for breakfast (Blanden, not Ellis yet), we headed to Aunt Nancy and Uncle Jim's house for a fun-filled afternoon and evening.

Blanden and I went on a baking binge the week before Easter, making cutout cookies for friends and teachers and Easter basket cupcakes for family. We might have a new Easter tradition here...

This is Blanden yesterday, playing with his newly configured train tracks. Blanden was excited to see that the Easter Bunny brought him a water tower and a bridge.

The Easter baskets all set to go after the Bunny's visit!

Ellis exploring his goodies -- Pat the Bunny and corresponding book, as well as three other spring-themed board books and a new toy.

Ellis sporting his bunny bib at the Wensuc family Easter celebration that afternoon.

Blanden being silly with one of his two beloved cousins. 

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