Saturday, May 21, 2011

Farm Boys

Before Blanden and Ellis came into our lives, we were members of a community supported agriculture program for several years. When Blanden was born, we thought we would likely prefer to spend that summer ordering in -- and we were right. But we also really missed the farm. Also, although I didn't grow up on a farm, I grew up surrounded by them, and as urbanites now Ed and I really want Blanden and Ellis to understand where food comes from and to know that real farms still exist. So this summer we are joining again, and thrilled to be doing so. 

This morning we headed out to pick asparagus. Whenever we mentioned it to Blanden this past week, he kept saying that he and Ellis were going to be "farm boys." Here is Farm Boy Blanden feeding the free range chickens that will produce our eggs all summer long. We can't wait!

Ellis thinks this is all pretty exciting too.

 They got to meet a horse...

He was a highlight.  

And very kind.

This was also a highlight. It has been raining a LOT here lately, at least for Denver. Each time we leave the house, I have been asking Blanden to please step over the puddle collecting at the bottom of the garage stairs rather than in it, and he has been so good at avoiding that temptation. But today, with his super cool fireman rain boots on, I promised him there would be many mud puddles that he could freely splosh through -- and he did!

Look, Dad, I found a good one!  

Ellis is too young to help pick, but he seemed to enjoy hanging out with us in the field. (Secretly, Mommy was glad the farm wasn't quite as muddy as I thought it would be so that Ellis could do exactly this.)  

You can't see them here, but in a nearby pasture were lots of playful lambs and their mothers -- along with a lama that protects them from coyotes!

And the Missouri boy in Daddy quickly came back out to catch a frog for Blanden and Ellis to see. What a fun morning! Our first delivery of farm-fresh produce should arrive the third week of June. 

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