Sunday, May 22, 2011

B Is Going to Be 3!

Blanden is very excited about his upcoming birthday. It all started a few months ago while we were in the grocery store together. He wanted a really big, neat balloon with one of his favorite items on it. We admired it for a moment, then I said, "Not today, but maybe for your birthday." He came home and told Daddy all about it and has been saying, "I'm going to get one of those ... balloons for my birthday!" ever since.

This is the first birthday Blanden is anticipating. At some point every day we discuss it. He says things like: "I'm going to be three for my birthday," and holds up various combinations of three fingers -- which is kind of tricky for a kid to do. Also, "We will sing happy birthday" and "Daddy is going to turn the candles on and Blanden will blow them out." I am told that he would like three individual candles, instead of one number-3 candle. Can do. He has asked for a chocolate cake. Can do. (He hasn't asked about the cake decoration. That will be a surprise.)

We bought special decorative paper plates, and he is excited about using them on the big day. And just to be clear, he told me, "I think I'm going to need one of those napkins too because cake is really messy."

He does not yet know what we're planning on doing that day. We've told him we'll go on an adventure and that knowledge suffices for him.

And, finally, one of my favorites: When asked what he would like for his birthday, he simply says, "I think I would like a surprise from Mommy and Daddy." That's it, just a surprise. Not a long list of toys. Not even any one thing in particular. Just one surprise. It's just like at Christmas when he said that all he wanted was "a gift. ... And Ellis wants a gift too."

I love every age and stage that my boys are in. What I love about this current phase for Blanden is that perfect combination of anticipation and innocence. He is old enough to understand that birthdays are special and that his is coming up soon, but young enough to be fulfilled by the simplest things -- like candles and cake and matching paper plates.

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