Monday, May 30, 2011

The Train Table

The train table continues to interest Blanden for long stretches of time. Ellis has been itching to get his hands on it. He has begun pulling himself up to a kneeling position, and, with a little luck, can usually find something within reach. This morning we helped him stand next to the train table and he was enthralled. Blanden is being surprisingly tolerant. Appropriately, we have designated the Birthday Thomas train and caboose as the ones most fitting for Ellis. It was Blanden's first Thomas train, a gift for his first birthday, so it is used to getting lots of little-one love. 

Ellis has also recently become interested in things with wheels, so he managed to push it back and forth on the track a few times. And on Saturday, he officially moved from a scoot to a crawl, just in time for his first birthday! 

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