Saturday, May 28, 2011

Silly Siblings

After our little gardening escapade, the boys went down for a late nap. Getting them to sleep after the regular bedtime hour is almost always interesting ... and not usually in a good way. But today turned out alright, even better than alright. First, there was lots of giggling from both boys and thumping on the floor (I can only imagine what Blanden was up to). Then, inevitably, there was some crying and fussiness as overexhaustion kicked in. And throughout, there were many visits from Mommy. Eventually, lo and behold, both boys drifted off and stayed asleep for a solid two hours. That is the first time they have ever napped on the exact same schedule and while in their room together.

When they woke up, I asked Blanden if they were playing together before they fell asleep. He said, "Ellis was peeking out at me from his crib and giggling" -- as if Ellis were the instigator. Just to confirm, I asked, "Did you start playing first or did Ellis." Blanden: "It was Ellis." Of course. :-)

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