Sunday, June 5, 2011

B Is 3!

After much anticipation, the big day finally arrived. Blanden stayed home from school on Friday to spend some birthday-prep time with Mom and Dad. He played outside, we surprised him with the long-awaited balloon (a giant Thomas!!! It has fully lived up to its expectations.) when he woke up from his nap, then he went with me to pick up his cake. Ed and I tucked him into bed that night wishing him sweet dreams for his last sleep as a two-year-old. Then we got to work.

Prepped for the party.

Blanden gets a bike!

We were all up by 7:15, downstairs by 7:30, and outside in the ally by 7:45 to practice as soon as Blanden saw this waiting for him in the living room. When his cousin Jeremy saw the bike later in the day, he was duly impressed: "It even has suspension!"

Blanden doesn't quite have the pedaling down yet -- or the steering, which, as Ed pointed out, is probably more important. But he'll get there, and he likes it!

After we were dressed and packed for our picnic, we headed out on the surprise adventure: to the Colorado Railroad Museum in Golden!

We had not been here before, and it seemed just the thing for the day.

We saw lots of engines, "troublesome trucks," and old cabooses.

We were able to go inside several of them ...

and took a little train ride on the Galloping Goose around the park.

Before we left, Blanden asked to come back again. Turns out, a family membership came up on Groupon a few weeks ago. Now we can return this year as often as we like.

This old caboose was a particular favorite. It had bunks for sleeping in, a sink for washing, a stove top for cooking, cabinets for storing, and seats high up at the top for viewing. Blanden spent a long time here.

The adventure was complete with the purchase of a conductor's hat.

And then it was time to head home for the party! Our entire Colorado/Wensuc family joined us for the celebration.

They came bearing many gifts ...

including a corn-cob teether and a toy tractor for Ellis! Rolling the tractor back and forth on the floor is great fun.  

We had Indian tacos for dinner and a Thomas cake, chocolate (Blanden's pick) with strawberry filling, for dessert. Blanden was a little perplexed by the number #3 at first; after all, Thomas is #1.

He loved "turning the candles on" and hearing everyone sing to him. He also enjoyed eating the #3 -- and I mean that literally: he ate the frosting that formed the #3 and took a few bites of the cake before he was off to play again. Happy Birthday, Blanden Boy!

Additional gifts for Blanden included Edward the train (in honor of Blanden's first name, from Ellis); a basketball hoop (from Grammy and Papa); a Thomas towel (from Uncle Nick); a gardening rake and shovel set (from Grandma and Grandpa); and his first pop-up tent and camping equipment (from Aunt Nancy, Uncle Jim, and cousins Jeremy and Gretchen). As you can see, we have a small but fully outfitted little boy backyard. Welcome to the Wensucs!

1 comment:

Cat said...

Happy birthday, Blanden! So glad to hear it was such a successful birthday!