Saturday, October 18, 2008

Five Stars

Bonding on Wednesday
Playtime in my crib (Photo by Grammy)
Getting ready for a nap (Photo by Grammy) Being my usual sweet, smiley self (Photo by Grammy)
Dad's home! After three days without him, I missed him!

Well, we did it: Ed and I spent our first night away from Blanden alone together, and Grammy and Blanden spent their first night alone together -- and I only called home twice on Thursday and twice on Friday to check on them. :) We weren't worried at all, of course, only curious as to how things were going. And apparently things were going great. Grammy says Blanden gets five stars for his well-being and behavior while we were gone, and I'd say Ed and I give our little outing five stars too.

I met Ed in Vail on Thursday around noon. I made a quick trip to the spa that afternoon (to get a manicure, which really was an indulgence for me, as I never paint my nails anymore since I don't have long enough to wait for them to dry before I pick Blanden up again). When Ed finished his work for the day, we relaxed in the hotel room with some wine, briefly went to a work social, then headed out for a long, leisurely dinner. We ate at Sweet Basil, a well-known Colorado restaurant, and it just might have been one of the best meals I've ever had, it was fantastic! We dined with our friends Jo and Tricia (Jo is a colleague of Ed's), who have twin girls who are just one day younger than Blanden. Happily for us, they had their little ones with them, so we could take turns holding the babies since we were missing our own little guy (and had kind of forgotten how to have dinner without an infant in our arms). ;) Afterward we walked through the Vail Village and stopped off at a few places, but we confess we were very happy to be back in the hotel room and in bed by 10:30, looking forward to a great night's sleep. We slept in on Friday, ordered breakfast in, and then headed home.

Grammy will have to fill everyone in more on her and Blanden's time together, but as you can see from the pictures, it looks like they had a blast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He just gets cuter by the day, no? I can't get over it! I'm so impressed with the outing - not to mention slightly jealous! We have to get together soon....