Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thanksgiving in Michigan -- Day One

Saying good-bye to Dad at the airport.

Happy to see Grammy again, and meeting Phoenix, the schnoodle, for the first time.

Getting reacquainted with future godfather, Uncle Andrew, and Aunt Jill.

Trying to pose for another picture but getting distracted by the beautiful Christmas tree.

The Beach family cake (four layers of homemade chocolate cake with rum-, almond-, and peppermint-flavored whipped-cream fillings, all topped off with homade chocolate icing).

What a big day Blanden has had! And what a little trooper Blanden was on the plane! I expected our little guy to go with the flow today -- he seems to love people and experiencing new things -- but I also expected a lot more struggles on the plane, especially for napping. But he exceeded my expectations and has truly amazed his mommy!

When we got to the airport we parked the car so that Ed could help us with our luggage and give us a great send-off. Ed and I enjoyed a leisurely cup of coffee together while Blanden said good-bye to Dad, then Blanden and I headed off through security on our own, thus beginning our great mother-son adventure: Blanden's first plane ride. Blanden was as wide-eyed as he could be, taking in the new surroundings at the airport, and smiling up at me from his perch in the Baby Bjorn carrier.

We had just enough time for a clean diaper change before we boarded the plane (how does one change a baby's diaper in those tiny plane cabins, I wonder? Fortunately, I didn't have to cross that bridge today ... ) Blanden had a small meltdown just as we were getting settled in our seat, but I knew he was tired and hungry. After a little meal and a catnap, he played with a toy on my lap for 20 minutes or so -- and then he slept on a pillow on my lap for two hours! I couldn't believe it! That is an incredibly long nap in Blanden's book. I had wanted to take a photo of him on the plane, but I certainly wasn't going to risk waking him up! He began to stir as we were beginning to land, so he had another meal on the way down, and was then alert and ready to go. He had just enough time to smile and coo at the women in the seats next to us before we deboarded ...

Where Uncle Andrew and Aunt Jill were waiting to greet us with huge hugs and smiles. We drove home to Grammy and Papa's house, where we were absolutely showered with surprises and goodies, including a few new toys and a new outfit for Blanden and a few of my favorite things as well, including homemade cinnamon rolls, cutout sugar cookies, and the famous Beach family cake. The house is fully decorated for Christmas, complete with tree with twinkling lights, which has really caught Blanden's attention, as has the fire in the fireplace, neither of which he has seen before.

After a delicious meal, great conversation (Ed knows us well!), and a relaxing evening, Blanden is sleeping soundly next to me in my old bedroom. We miss Ed dearly, but we certainly couldn't have asked for a warmer homecoming and welcoming. The holidays have officially begun.

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