Friday, December 26, 2008

Blanden's First Christmas

Opening the first gift, a box much larger than himself -- Blanden is standing up in this photo :). Inside he found ...
A huge plush dog chair for his room. (He's not quite able to sit up in it by himself just yet. He kept starting to tumble forward when I moved my hand, no matter how quick Dad was with the shutter release. Soon, though!)

Surrounded by his pups. This is how we opened all of the gifts yesterday morning. Whenever Blanden is at Ella's level, she is right there by his side. She adores him. Belle, however, likes Blanden, but she adores ripping up paper, much like Blanden does, so Belle and Blanden took turns pulling the paper off the gifts while Ella tried to sneak in some kisses.

Playing with a new pushing/stacking train from Grammy and Papa.

Enjoying Christmas dinner and celebrations with the whole Wensuc family.
Blanden's first Christmas could not have been any better, as far as his parents are concerned. It was just perfect. We enjoyed a leisurely morning at home. In fact, we did not get up until just after 8, and by the time we got morning beverages going for Mommy and Daddy and breakfast for Blanden, we didn't get started on the gifts until well after 9. (We recognize that this is probably the latest Christmas morning we will ever have from here forward. :) ) Blanden was a trooper as we opened all the gifts. He was excited to rip up some wrapping paper, and a few gifts in particular caught his attention (see note below), but his favorite part of Christmas this year is admiring the tree with all the lights.
In the afternoon we headed down to Uncle Jim and Aunt Nancy's house for a delicious Christmas dinner and further celebrations. Blanden napped on the way there, and then again throughout all of dinner, then woke up smiling and ready to go with the second round of gift-opening.
Favorite gifts include a cloth book about animals that makes animal noises from Uncle Nick, a new soft duck toy from cousin Jeremy, a mini barnyard keepsake ornament from cousin Gretchen, bath toys from Aunt Nancy and Uncle Jim, a Baby Grand Piano from Grandma and Grandpa (pictures to come), and a pushing/stacking train and big dog chair from Grammy and Papa. And (from Mommy's perspective :) ) clothes and a gift certificate to buy more adorable clothes from the grandparents.

Blanden seems to have truly enjoyed his first Christmas, and he's wondering what to play with first today.
More pictures to come on Kodak soon ...

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Blanden, I talked to your mom earlier today, and knew she'd posted some of your Christmas pictures, I have to admitt, I did rush grandpa a wee bit, so we could get home and see them! I am courious has to how you decided which package to open first, do did mom and dad help you out with that huge decision. You were sweet and let everyone sleep in this year, I would think that next year, you'll do about the same thing, but the following Christmas, when you are 2 1/2, mom and dad, better make certain that all three of you get naps the day before! I bet that by the time I come to visit next time, you will be sitting alone in your new doggie, Grammy