Monday, January 26, 2009

Big-Boy PJs

Grandpa and Grandma Wensec gave these train PJs to Blanden for Christmas. Ed and I refer to them as his "big boy" pajamas -- his first two-piece set, as opposed to the standard infant one-piece zip-ups. We think he looks so cute in them and get a kick out of seeing his little bitty body in them. Here he is playing in his crib this morning. (I think he's been trying to figure out how to take his music box off from the crib rails.) :)

And for a little boy who not so long ago hated tummy time, he sure likes to roll over now at almost every opportunity he gets. Tonight at music class he insisted on spending most of the floor-activity songs on his belly.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Blanden, just the other day, papa was looking at "big boy" jammies, and grammy said, you weren't ready for those yet...guess grammy really does need to catch that plane to Denver on Friday, and get updated on how much you've grown and changed since we were together last! I see that with these you don't have to pull your socks off, so you can play with your toes. Grammy just got out of bed herself, is still in her jammies, with her piggie toes "free too", before Phoenix (that's the name of my puppy) and I go walking each morning, I always check the "net", and finding a new post on your blog or email from your mom are always the perfect way to start my day. This morning is a bonus, I'll leave your new picture open so papa can start his day with a big smile too! By the time I get to Denver on Friday, you'll be all tucked in, but Saturday morning, when you wake up, I'll be there!
Love, Grammy