Thursday, February 12, 2009

Splish, Splash!

Playing at Grammy and Papa's on Wednesday afternoon
More playing on Wednesday night

Thursday morning -- Sitting on the dock with Papa and watching the boats go by in the canal (Do I look like my daddy or what?! Hi, Dad! I miss you!) (Photo by Papa)
Thursday afternoon -- All dressed and ready to swim!

Daddy: Grammy says that even though she doesn't have your camera or your photography skills, she's having some luck capturing adorable photos of me. :)

Dipping my toes in the water ...

Getting in a little bit further ...

Fully wet and having fun!

As you can tell, Blanden is having a great time in Florida. Thus far his vacation has been filled with lots of cuddles and hugs and love from his grandparents, playtime, walks around the park, stories, a trip out to lunch, and a bit of swimming, hopefully more to come. In the water he was a curious and happy baby. He enjoyed slapping and splashing, swinging around with Mommy, and trying to catch the bubbles that Papa made for him. Great fun is being had by all. It would be perfect except that we really miss Daddy and are thinking of him often. Blanden looks forward to talking to him on the phone each morning and night; Blanden's face just lights up when he hears Dad's voice on the other end.
(P.S. In such humid weather Blanden has been waking up with curly hair! We'll try to capture a photo. It is adorable, but he is hoping that it won't turn out to be as crazy as his mommy's.)

1 comment:

Princess in Galoshes said...

Adorable pics. And I'm so jealous of your 80 degrees and humidity. We're supposed to get more snow tomorrow. Argh.