Friday, May 29, 2009

Swimming in the Sun

Today Blanden's friend Sarah invited him to come over and go swimming in her gorgeous neighborhood pool, which just opened. As Susan and I were busy with the little ones, I forgot to take any pictures, but this is where we enjoyed some fun in the sun, particularly in the kiddie pool in the foreground.

It's been more than two months since we last got together. Now Sarah is walking and Blanden is crawling. Today Sarah practiced walking through the water, while Blanden practiced standing by holding on to the sides, and he was just tall enough to sit down in the pool with the water just beneath his chin. I think it's going to be a fun summer for all!
(Note: Photo sent courtesy of Susan, so we could at least post something. :) More photos of Baby B to come soon.)

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Okay, Blanden, this time Grammy is using her imagination, but thankfuly between seeing you in "real life", plus all the pictures Mom and Dad have shared with us, I can picture you have a great time in Sarah's pool! I bet that before much longer, you and Sarah will both be walking "laps" around the pool edges.

You know, we do have a pool at our house, a really big one, which you won't be able to touch the bottom of for a long time, but that will be okay, because between PaPa, Mom, Aunt Jill and Uncle Andrew, someone will always be ready to help you practice your swimming skills. In the "olden" days, Grammy used to swim too, but now I just like to sit and watch everyone else splashing around, plus I'll have the camera all ready to catch some great shots.

Now we are both down to just 3 times to go to bed, before we'll all be together at your house! This time when you and Mom come to the airport, you'll be picking up both Papa and me, oh, what fun we are going to have!
