Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy First Birthday, Blanden!!!

Blanden's morning began bright and early at 6 a.m., at which time he discovered a surprise waiting for him in his crib: two new books to kick off his birthday. Then Grammy and Papa got up with Blanden and made him a special breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, yogurt, toast, bananas and strawberries, and a little bit of cinnamon roll (can you tell Papa is visiting?). Blanden played, went for a little walk in his PJs with Papa to pick up Papa's morning paper and donut (and, yes, Blanden had some of that, too!), and then fell asleep in Papa's arms while they were swinging together on the front porch. And Mommy and Daddy slept in until 9 a.m.!

And then we were off on Blanden's big birthday adventure: to the zoo! We spent 4 hours exploring, and Blanden LOVED every minute of it! The day exceeded our expectations. We knew we would have fun, but we did not realize Blanden would enjoy it as much as he did. He was all smiles and excited and giggling and laughing all day, intent on watching each animal we pointed out to him. Here he is sporting his wild safari ensemble.

We were so happy and so blessed to share the day with Grammy and Papa (and later the rest of our Colorado family as well). It brought back many happy memories for Mommy of trips to the zoo as a little girl (and I suspect it did the same for Grammy and Papa).

The photos above and below accurately capture Blanden's smiles throughout the day. Whether he was being carried or pushed in his stroller, he was alert and inquisitive and just taking it all in. We saw lions, and tigers, and bears -- and penguins, and flamingos, and zebras. And some particular favorites were the monkeys, elephants, and giraffes, which included some babies.

Blanden's birthday gift from Mommy and Daddy is a membership to the zoo, so that we can enjoy it often this year, and, with Mommy and Grammy's help (we held up various toys while trying to determine which was his favorite), Blanden selected a giraffe plush toy and a zookeeper t-shirt to bring home as souvenirs.

All five of us had fun riding the zoo train together.

Afterward, we came home to dinner (bison and beef steaks; twice-baked potatoes -- which turned out to be a favorite for Blanden because he loves cheddar cheese; and Caesar salad with the homemade family dressing and Two River's wine for the adults) and, of course, dessert with the full Wensuc family. Blanden's cake is a variation on the Beach family cake: chocolate cake and chocolate icing with a (blue) raspberry whipped-cream filling. Fun and delicious!

Here Blanden is tasting his first bite of Daddy's homemade vanilla bean ice cream: made with 7 eggs, whole milk, lots of sugar, and a Tahitian vanilla bean and Tahitian vanilla extract from our favorite local spice shop. It was divine!
Blanden is admiring his balloon bouquet...
Wild safari-themed, of course. :)

And, finally, opening gifts (and really just having a blast with the tissue paper!), including a Radio Flyer wagon (perfect for the next trip to the zoo!), a John Deere push-and-ride-on tractor (perfect for learning to walk!), Thomas the Tank Engine pieces, his first Broncos sweatshirt, his first bubble-blowing wand and soap set, and money toward college.

And now, after a long, absolutely fantastic, could-not-be-more-perfect day, the house is quiet, new toys are awaiting playtime tomorrow, and Blanden is sound asleep, one very happy 1-year-old toddler (!). As Ed said many times throughout the day, "Happy Birthday, Son!" And a very happy birthday it was!

1 comment:

tara_iott said...

Blanden I love your choice of the Giraffe in both one of your favorite animals & the stuffed toy. Giraffes are my favorite too! What a wonderful 1st Birthday celebration. Happy Birthday!!!