Sunday, October 25, 2009

Grandpa's Birthday!

Yesterday, it was Grandpa's Birthday. This entire Wensuc clan collected at Uncle Jim's and Aunt's Nancy's home. It was a wonderful evening full of "good eats" and other festive celebrations. Donna made her "yummy" chicken enchiladas and glasses of frosty margaritas poured readily. Blanden was initially overrun by the mass of people and inquistive dog licks, but quickly fell into enjoying time with the family. His cousins Jeremy and Grecthen kept Blanden entertained and actively involved. Nick was able to take time off from his busy work schedule and challenged Jeremy to many a Wii contest.

A brief note on the above photo. Dad is aware that the window of opportunity for taking photos is brief and occurs early in the evening. Dad always swears that he'll take the pictures "first thing", so that it doesn't become an issue later in the evening. In classic form, Dad postponed his picture taking. The above picture is the consequence of his delay. Blanden had a wonderful time with his Grandpa all evening. What is documented is the 2 minutes of meltdown that sometimes occurs. Blanden quickly recovered, but you'll have to accept such claims on Faith. We all want photos to capture the merriest of times, but I have a feeling that this photo will grow equally endearing over time.

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Big day yesterday! Family, pups and lots of fun! Papa and I have seen enough pictures of you to know, that this one of a little bit sad, or perhaps too busy to stop to take pictures little guy, is just part of you exploring your environment. And I bet your grandpa knows that to!

You look older to us in this picture, good thing mom and dad send us lots and lots of pictures, otherwise when we go to the airport to pick you and momma up, we might not recognize you! Just kidding! Family can always recognize family. When your momma was a synchronized swimmer...she'll explain that to you when you are older, and you'll have to be much older before you realize what a difficult sport that is, well anyway, papa could never pick out her legs, as she swam upside down...but not me, I could always spot "my girl".

Tomorrow night is a big night at music class, you and all your friends get to wear your costumes, what fun that will be. Any ideas what the other children will be dressed up as? Take a good look around, and maybe you'll come up with an idea for your costume for next year. As long as you want them, you have a permenent IOU from grammy to fix you up with Halloween outfits.

I know you can't tell details, but I bet you and dad had fun today during "boys club".

Off to help papa give our puppy a bath,
