Friday, November 20, 2009

We're Here!

After much anticipation, our Thanksgiving holiday has begun! Ed dropped us off at the airport before heading to work. Blanden and I had plenty of time before our flight, so we sat down for breakfast: Fry Bread French Toast. Neither of us have ever had it before, but what's not to like about an elephant-ear-like pastry topped with powdered sugar and maple syrup? It seemed like an indulgent way to kick off the holidays -- and to remind us of Daddy.

I ordered Blanden a scrambled egg on the side for good measure...But of course, he ate about two obligatory bites of egg -- and several whole pieces of the French toast!

Then we had time for Blanden to run around a bit and watch the planes come and go before boarding our own. Blanden did a fantastic job on the flight! He only slept about 20 minutes. He was so tired, but he's so long now I don't think he could get comfortable on my lap. So we read lots of stories and shared some lunch and snacks, and watched the other people on the plane and all the activity going on around us. He didn't have a single fussy moment.

Our pictures are slightly out of order, but we arrived home at Grammy and Papa's to a warm house fully decorated for Christmas -- and a few little surprise gifts for Blanden (and me!) too. Such a welcome homecoming.

This was Andrew's and my table as children, all set for Blanden now. We both actually remember sitting (i.e., fitting) here often -- obviously memories from a long time ago!

Arriving in Michigan. Blanden was shy at first, but it only took him about five minutes to warm up to and remember Grammy and dole out lots of big hugs and snuggles -- and by dinnertime, Papa was getting hugs too.

Napping in the car on the way home from the airport. It was a big day!
Blanden is thrilled with the "his-size" table and chair. He has just as much fun climbing in and out of the chair as he does sitting in it.
Playing with some new toys (some of which live at Grammy and Papa's house).

Aunt Jill and Uncle Andrew joined us for dinner. Blanden has long been sound asleep, and I'm heading there soon. We are so happy to be here and settling in for our visit. I feel like I'm breathing out a long, slow sigh. It feels so relaxing. It's always good to come home.

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