Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Relaxing Day

What a great way to begin. We slept in, had a late breakfast, later on a late lunch, then Blanden and I finally got out of our PJs and headed out for just a little bit of shopping with Grammy...

Blanden thinks it is great fun to cover himself up and play in Phoenix's bed. Fortunately, Phoenix is being very accommodating and willing to share.

Smiling and being his cute self. :)

Trying a Christmas cutout cookie for dessert. (But don't worry, Daddy: Blanden had an entire container of yogurt for dessert too -- his choice -- and only ate half the cookie.)

And today's highlight: Uncle Andrew's old train!

Need I say any more? ;)
When we got home from our little shopping trip, Blanden napped, I curled up and read by the fireplace, Aunt Jill and Uncle Andrew came over for dinner again, and now it's to bed. A perfectly relaxing vacation day!

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