Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Camp Wensuc

Blanden was so excited to wake up from his nap yesterday and discover that his cousins were here to play! We were lucky to have Aunt Nancy, Jeremy, and Gretchen join us for the afternoon. The kids spent at least a solid three hours playing mostly in the pool and in the backyard, with only one quick break for ice cream. When we finally called it a day around 5:30 pm, that was the first time I've seen Blanden's skin all wrinkly and waterlogged. What fun!

Thank you for spending a day of your summer vacation with us. We look forward to doing it again soon!

1 comment:

Cat said...

Oh my goodness, that is an awesome pool! I have started to give in to the plastic paraphanalia, too, if it makes you feel any better. S went nuts at our friend's house on the east coast, which was a maze of Large Plastic Stuff. So when we got home Dustin had gotten a large new plaything as a welcome home present.