Monday, September 20, 2010

Little Zookeeper

Each day Blanden gives Belle and Ella their breakfasts and dinners (almost) "all by self," so Ed calls Blanden the zookeeper. Blanden thinks that's fun -- but today Blanden got to be a real zookeeper. Grammy, Mommy, Blanden, and Ellis went on a little adventure down to the Colorado Springs zoo, where you can feed the giraffes! We've been meaning to get there all summer, and we're so glad we finally made it. Unfortunately Daddy was at work and thus not with us to capture some outstanding shots, but I think Mommy and Grammy did an okay job -- and I'm sure there will be a return visit in the future.

(Note: This is not a zoom. This is how close they actually were.)

What a neat exhibit. There were 19 giraffes, from babies to big ones! We've never seen so many in one place, nor gotten so close to them. Of course Blanden wasn't the least bit nervous. Some of them try to nuzzle your hand as they look for more crackers. Blanden walked right up first thing and just giggled as they touched him. Right before we left, he even tried to let one kiss him! (Not that we recommended it, but I admire his love and naivete.) Who knows, maybe he really will be a zookeeper, or the giraffe equivalent of Jane Goodall and study them in Africa...

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