Monday, May 23, 2011

Cheerios and Milk

I've almost made it to a year with nursing Ellis, which was our goal. I must admit, it's been more challenging with Ellis than it was with Blanden because of having to pump so much milk for daycare, so I am feeling accomplished to have gotten this far. (Ellis and I even managed to donate 100 ounces to the Denver human milk bank, another goal, which helps feed preemies in neonatal units.) But we're sooo close to his first birthday now, we thought we would let Ellis try a little whole milk.

He's been practicing with a sippy cup sans the valve for a couple months, taking tiny drinks of watered-down juice that we essentially helped pour into his mouth. He's been very eager to get his hands on the cup himself, but without the valve the contents spill everywhere. Yesterday, we put the valve back in...

 And this is so much more fun! Blanden was done with bottles and nursing within two weeks following his first birthday. I think it's safe to say that Ellis is on his way to doing the same.

So, do you think it's finally time for a haircut? 

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