Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Gearing Up for Summer

We are figuratively and literally gearing up for summer. Last fall, we purchased a bike trailer and an accompanying helmet for Blanden. We haven't yet tried out the trailer, but we're getting excited to do so soon. Blanden has taken his helmet for a spin or two while practicing on his tricycle.

Now Ellis is just about old enough to try riding in the bike trailer too, so, naturally, he needs a helmet as well. His came in the mail today. 

Both boys thought it was the funniest thing to see each other wearing them. They played with them on in the backyard for a long time, laughing and being silly. 

And, naturally, big brother had to test Ellis's helmet by tapping a train on his head. Sigh. But don't worry, Ellis was more than happy to reciprocate.  

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