Saturday, May 28, 2011

Growing a Garden

We have a nice little plot for gardening in our side yard. Since the freezing nights seem to be gone for the season (let's keep our fingers crossed), this morning we headed to the gardening store. In the past, we've grown bell and hot peppers, various spinaches and lettuces, edamame, and even corn!

But this year, especially because we are joining the farm CSA again, we only wanted a nice variety of tomatoes and complementary basil, because, really, our family just can't enough of those. For that, we like to start with pre-potted plants. 

We selected some classics: Champion and Celebrity; some heirlooms: Green Zebra and Mortgage Lifter; and some little ones for Blanden and Ellis to pick and eat straight from the vine: Sweet 100s and Yellow Pear.

Blanden enjoyed all phases of helping out, from working with Daddy to spread the top soil, to digging holes with Mommy, and especially watering at the end.

As for this little guy, let's just say he greatly enjoyed scooting around nearby -- and sneaking fistfuls of dirt into his mouth when Mommy wasn't looking.

Ellis puts everything into his mouth. You might say this is normal for babies, but it really wasn't for Blanden. Ellis, on the other hand, enjoys nibbling on books (I find bits of paper in his mouth long after he's finished "reading"), tasting fuzzies off the floor (ew!); and sampling sand (ah, well). I suppose it's a good thing that at least he is getting into gardening too, in his own way.  

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