Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkin Prep

After a lovely brunch out yesterday morning to celebrate Grandpa Wensec's birthday, followed by naps for the boys, we decided it was time to carve pumpkins. Since it was in the 70s and sunny, the front porch seemed like the perfect locale. 

 Both boys were eager to get in on the action ... 
 Yet, surprisingly, neither one wanted to dip their hands into all the guts, despite Mommy's insistence that it really is fun. 
 They were content to scoop out the seeds with a spoon. 
 Naturally, Ellis had to try a bite ... 
 Or two. 
 And then, the "real Jack-o-lanterns" (as Blanden likes to call them, like Little Critter in his favorite Mercer Mayer books) were complete! 
Thanks to our farm share, a party favor from a friend, and a pumpkin patch at the boys' school (how could we resist purchasing just one more?), we've amassed quite the collection of assorted pumpkins and gourds. We only carved two, though, for now, the two that Blanden and Ellis originally picked out in the fields at the fall festival. They seem content with that ... And are looking forward to turning the pie pumpkins into pancakes on Halloween morning. Mmm ... 

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